Mingji Dai, Ph.D.
- 2022-present: Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Chemistry, Emory University
- 2021-2022: University Faculty Scholar and Showalter Faculty Scholar, Purdue University
- 2020-2022: Professor, Department of Chemistry and Center for Cancer Research, Purdue University
- 2018-2020: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Center for Cancer Research, Purdue University
- 2012-2018: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Center for Cancer Research, Purdue University
- 2020-2022: Organic Division Head, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University
- 2020-2022: Program Co-Leader, the Purdue Center for Cancer Research
- 2020-2022: Equity Advisor, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University
- 2019-2022: Associate Director, the Purdue Drug Discovery NIH T32 Training Program
Member of
- 2022-present: Beyond CCHF: The Catalysis Innovation Consortium
- 2022-present: Emory Winship Cancer Institute
- 2022-present: Emory University Biological Discovery through Chemical Innovation (BDCI)
- 2012-2022: Center for Cancer Research, Purdue University
- 2013-2022: Institute for Drug Discovery, Purdue University
- 2013-2022: Purdue University Interdisciplinary Life Science Program (PULSe)
- 2016-2022: The Purdue Institute of Inflammation, Immunology, and Infectious Diseases (PI4D)
Education and Training
- 1998-2002: B.S. Peking University, Advisor: Professors Zhen Yang and Jiahua Chen
- 2002-2004: Research Assistant, Peking University, Advisor: Professors Zhen Yang and Jiahua Chen
- 2004-2009: Ph.D. in Chemistry, Columbia University, Advisor: Professor Samuel J. Danishefsky
- 2009-2012: Postdoctoral Fellow, Advisor: Professor Stuart L. Schreiber, Harvard University and The Broad Institute
Awards and Honors
- 2022: College of Science Research Award, Purdue University
- 2021: Showalter Faculty Scholar (2021-2026)
- 2021: Plenary Speaker of the National Organic Symposium (NOS)
- 2021: University Faculty Scholar, Purdue University (2021-2026)
- 2020: Arthur E. Kelly Undergraduate Teaching Award, Purdue University
- 2019: Speaker of the Kharasch Mini Symposium, University of Chicago
- 2018: Amgen Young Investigators’ Award
- 2018: Eli Lilly Grantee Award
- 2017: Chinese-American Chemistry & Chemical Biology Professors Association (CAPA) Distinguished Junior Faculty Award
- 2017: Speaker of the 3rd biannual Meyers Symposium for Organic Chemistry, Southern Illinois University
- 2017: ChemComm Emerging Investigator
- 2016: NSF CAREER Award
- 2016: European Chemical Society (EuCheMS) Organic Division Young Investigator Workshop
- 2016: ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Young Academic Investigator
- 2015: Organic Letters Outstanding Author of the Year Lectureship Award
- 2015: Thieme Chemistry Journal Award
- 2015: ACS PRF Doctoral New Investigator
- 2013: Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, ORAU
- 2013: Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Research Award
- 2012: American Cancer Society Junior Investigator Award, Purdue Center for Cancer Research
- 2009: Dissertation (Ph. D. degree) awarded with distinction, Columbia University
- 2009: Hammett Award for the most outstanding Ph.D. student, Columbia University
- 2009: Roche Award for Excellence in Organic Chemistry
- 2008: Jack Miller Award for excellence in teaching by a graduate student, Columbia University
- 2007: Guthikonda Fellowship in Organic Chemistry, Columbia University
- 2006: Bristol-Myers Squibb Graduate Fellowship in Synthetic Organic Chemistry
- 2005: Sylvia & Victor Fourman Fellowship, Columbia University
- 2000: Successful participants in the Challenge Cup Contest, Peking University
- 1999: Outstanding Student, Peking University
- 1998: Guangcai Scholarship, Peking University
- 1998: Freshman Scholarship, Peking University
- 1998: First Prize in the National Olympic Chemistry Contest Winter Camp, China
- 1998: Member of the Chinese National Training Camp for the International Chemistry Olympiad, China
- 1997: First Prize in the National Olympic Chemistry Contest, China